About Us
Our Mission
Our Mission is to focus on the community through Christ.
Core values of the congregation
We Believe:
The bible
The Bible is the Word of God – eternal truth and the only solid foundation for faith and living. Through it we understand…
The Triune God
God presents Himself as a Trinity – Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit, unified diversity and diversity unified! – the Three in One eternal, almighty, everlasting God.
Mankind is the unique creation of the Trinity, reflected in that divinely unified diversity as male and female; made in God’s image, originally holy but corrupted in nature due to conception by flawed parentage (original sin), resulting from Adam and Eve’s choice in the garden contrary to God’s expressed will.
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah of the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures. He is the Son of God and Son of the virgin Mary, true God, born as truly man to be the Savior of the world. Taking on Himself the sin on all people, He died on the cross to secure the just and full payment of our deliverance from sin, death, and the devil. He arose from death, guaranteeing eternal life to those that trust Him.
Salvation, the promise of eternal life in heaven, is assured by the gift of God’s grace (undeserved and unearned), secured through faith (a relationship of trust), in Jesus Christ – crucified, risen and coming again as Lord of all.
The Sacraments
God’s activity in baptism and the Lord’s Supper makes them “sacraments”. Human elements of water, bread and wine, connected with the commanded words of Jesus, are means through which God conveys saving grace, i.e. forgiveness of sins, life (healing, help, and more – all!), and salvation.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is present and active among God’s people to keep them steadfast in the faith and empowered to live according to God’s Word and to serve in the world.
The Church
The Church is the sum of all believers in Jesus among every tribe, nation, language and people. The local body of Christ is made of congregations, gatherings of the Savior’s followers, committed to His Word, as well as to His mission and ministry (to reach all people with the Good News message about Jesus and His saving work) and to each other.
Join US!
You (and all) are invited to journey with us in the adventure of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Staff directory

Pastor Paul Koehn
- pastor@stpaulalbion.org
- Emergency/Parsonage: 517-629-5040
Pastor Paul is a lifelong LCMS Lutheran with a “can’t be fuller” history of Lutheran education from childhood through seminary. He has had very broad exposure to and interaction with the larger Body of Christ, but has served as a Missouri Synod pastor since 1985 in various locations in Michigan and New York.

Barbara Slaughter
Church Secretary, Bookkeeper
- bslaughter@stpaulalbion.org

Dagmar Mckinney
Church Secretary
- dmckinney@stpaulalbion.org

Ron Di Salvio
Music Director
Barbara Slaughter
Church Secretary, Bookkeeper
- bslaughter@stpaulalbion.org
Dagmar Mckinney
Church Secretary
- dmckinney@stpaulalbion.org
Ron Di Salvio
Music Director
Learn More About:
Explore previous sermons here. If you couldn't make it in to worship with us or you want to hear a sermon again, click below. This is also a great resource for newcomers to see what worship services look like at St.Paul.
See relevant information about worship services, like where and when we meet, here. You can also get a glimpse of what worship is like with us, as well as additional information for newcomers.
Mission & Vision
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Our History
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Our History
150 years ago, a Lutheran minister by the name of Friedrich Wilhelm came to Albion and
conducted the first Lutheran service in the vacated Presbyterian building on the corner of Clinton and Erie Streets on October 25, 1868. Three weeks later on November 15, God blessed him with a congregation of 54 members.
The congregation worshiped in the rented sanctuary for less than a year before purchasing it and moving it to the corner of South Superior and Elm Streets. The moving and renovations were completed and the building dedicated to the service of the Triune God on July 5, 1869. It was used for 20 years until being moved to the Heisler farm on Duck Lake Road in 1888. A new brick building was built on the site under the pastorate of Rev. J. Fritz. It was built to seat 350 members, showing the dedication and faithfulness of its members since the population of Albion was almost 10 times that at over 3,000.
Records indicate that St. Paul joined the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 1919 when its officers signed the Synod’s constitution.
The present St. Paul Lutheran Church at 100 Luther Blvd. was built in 1958 under Rev. Paul J. Foust. It sits on 11 acres of land and seats 600. An educational wing containing 17 classrooms, offices, library and an activity room was added in 1969. The building was made handicapped accessible in 2005 with the addition of an elevator.
The church features several historical items, including a Martin Luther German Bible, printed in 1856, a Baptismal pitcher and candle stick holders from around 1888, a marble Baptismal font which is believed to be the churches original font on which is written in German “Ein Herr, Ein Glaube, Eine Taufe” (one Lord, one faith, one Baptism), and other books, documents, and worship resources from the 1800s and early 1900s.
In 1984, St. Paul started Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool with Doretta Wilson as its first teacher. Kathy Weaver taught from 1985 to 2005, followed by Dana Farley.
In the early summer of 2013, St. Paul purchased and renovated the former Johnson Child Care Center, moved the preschool, and opened Little Lambs of Jesus Preschool & Childcare Center in December. They are still serving Albion’s families, operating a very successful preschool and daily child care there. Dana Farley served as director until July 2017, followed by Chelsea Siedzik from Aug 2017 to July 2024. Our current director, Amber Perry, started in July 2024.
In March 2015, St. Paul opened the Kid-to-Kid Shop in its educational wing, offering reasonably priced, gently used, clean, children’s clothing.
On October 28, 2018, St. Paul celebrated our 150th Anniversary during the morning service with a luncheon afterwards. Rev. John Cantele was serving as vacancy pastor during this time. That November, Pastor Cantele suddenly fell subject to an illness and passed away.
During the 150-year+ history of St. Paul, it has been Shepherded by 17 pastors during the following dates: Frederick Wilhelm 1868, J. H. Voss 1870, Adolf Schoenberg 1872, Georg Turk 1874-1877, Otto West 1877, R. Hoeck 1879-1887, Johann Fritz 1887-1892, J. Mayer 1892-1905, H. Grimm 1905-1911, Adolph Spiegel 1911-1954, Paul Foust 1954-1961, W. E. Lauterbach 1962-1980, Geary Bird 1981-1994, James Waddell 1997-2007, Gary Nehring 2008-2011, Dennis Matyas 2012-2017, Paul Koehn 2019-present. During its vacancies, St. Paul has been served by countless pastors, most notably Rev. Dan L. Seng, the intentional interim pastor from 2006 to 2008, and John Cantele, who served as vacancy pastor from 2017 to 2018.
Upcoming Events

- Sundays 10:30AM
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Life Worship
- Sundays 10:30AM
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- Sundays 10:30AM
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The Chosen
- Tuesday, Feb 13 9:30AM
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Life Worship
- Sundays 8:15AM
Life worship is a comfortable, relaxed, small gathering of believers who worship the Lord in a little different interactive way through music, videos, prayers, and God’s Word!

Bible Study
- Sundays 9:10AM
Study God’s word with us and gain a deeper understanding of the Bible while being in the company of like-minded people. Grow in faith, wisdom, and fellowship.

Traditional Worship
- Sundays 10:30AM
This service features traditional liturgical elements such as hymns, responsive readings, and prayer, accompanied by the performance of traditional music.
Come as you are. St. Paul Lutheran Church does not have a dress code.
Non-members of St. Paul and non-LCMS people are encouraged to speak to the Pastor, or at least seek out an elder, before taking communion.
Unfortunately, we do not offer childcare during worship services. However, we do invite you to bring your children to worship services. On the first and third Sunday of every month, there is a short “Jesus and Me” or “J.A.M.” time during the worship service. This is a time for the kids to step outside the main sanctuary where they can hear a lesson from a staff member, as well as enjoy snacks and crafts.
Our modern service “Life Worship” typically lasts about 45 minutes. Our traditional Lutheran service lasts for about an hour and 15 minutes.
Worship style: The modern service features modern Christian music, is more interactive, and is conducted in the basement living room of the church. Our traditional service features classical music, hymns, liturgy, and is held in the main sanctuary of the building. You will have the opportunity to receive Absolution and Communion at both worship services.
Great question. Please reference our About Us page to see what we believe!
Yes! Please stick around after service for snacks, sweets, and coffee. You will be able to chat with members of the congregation and create meaningful connections.
Yes! Please visit our Facebook page during our 10:30AM service to view the service online. To view previous sermons visit our Sermons page.